Saturday, March 26, 2011

Round-Up: March 26

Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email. I'm Twittering again now at Aesopus and AesopusEnglish.

HODIE: ante diem septimum Kalendas Apriles (and yes, you can have your own Roman Google Calendar).

VERBUM HODIERNUM: Today's word is FINIS - read a brief essay about the word at the Verbosum blog. Here's one of the sayings you can find in the essay: Finis unius diei est principium alterius, "The end of one day is the beginning of another."

BESTIARIA PROVERBS: There are some new animal proverbs today for LUPUS, the wolf, and ACANTHIS, a finch.

ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Aeneas et Lavinia, the story of Aeneas and his Italian wife.

FABULAE FACILES: The new easy-to-read fable is Herinaceus, Vulpes, et Muscae, the story of the fox being tormented by a flies, and a helpful hedgehog.

MILLE FABULAE: FABLE OF THE DAY: The fable for today is Ollae Duae, the famous story of the two pots. (You can also a free PDF copy of the Mille Fabulae et Una book.)

MILLE FABULAE: ILLUSTRATIONS: The latest fables with images are Formicae et Sus, the story of what really happened to all that grain which the ants gathered in the summertime, and Scriptor et Aesopus, a funny like story about the witty and sharp-tongued Aesop.

GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Books are Bennett's Easy Latin Stories for Beginners and Allen & Greenough's A Manual of Instruction in Latin .

TODAY'S MOTTOES & PROVERBS: Widgets available at Schoolhouse Widgets.

3-Word Mottoes: Today's 3-word motto is Medio tutissimus ibo (English: I will go most safely by the middle way).

3-Word Proverbs: Today's 3-word proverb is Fato non repugnandum (English: You can't fight back against Fate).

Rhyming Proverbs: Today's proverb with rhyme is: Est avi cuique nidus formosus ubique (English: To each bird, its own nest is always beautiful).

Vulgate Verse: Today's verse is Ne velox sis ad irascendum (Ecc. 7:9). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.

Elizabethan Proverb Commentary: Here is today's proverb commentary, this time by Conybeare: Tantali horti: A proverbe signifieng good thinges to be at hande, which notwithstanding a man may not siese.

For an image today, here is poor Tantalus, in an image from Alciato's emblems: Heu miser in mediis sitiens stat Tantalus undis, / Et poma esuriens proxima habere nequit. / Nomine mutato de te id dicetur avare, / Qui, quasi non habeas, non frueris quod habes.